Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Baptism of Jesus Christ

This week we studied the Baptism of Jesus Christ.

I think this is the first time that I really contemplated what it must have felt like to be John.  He spent his life preaching of Christ and preparing people to accept the Savior when He came.  Then Christ asks John to baptize Him?  Why would Christ need John to baptize Him?  Why would Christ need to be baptized at all?

In 2 Nephi 31:6-11 we learn that Christ was baptized so that
·      He could humble himself before the Father
·      He could witness to the Father that he was obedient in keeping the commandments.
·      To provide an example to the children of men.

As we study the baptism of Jesus Christ, not only do we get to see the importance of baptism and the proper way to baptize, but we also get the opportunity to learn about the nature of God and the role of Christ, the Holy Ghost and God.

In Mathew 3:16-17 we learn that Christ was on earth, in physical form and was baptized.  As he arose from the waters, John witnessed that the Holy Ghost descended and he heard God proclaim that Christ was His son. Each member of the Godhead showed themselves to be a separate personage.

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