What is a parable?
A parable is the Lord's way of teaching divine truths by telling a story. Based on faith and intelligence, the hearer of the story has the opportunity to understand the spiritual meaning. While the application of a parable may vary depending on the time and the person, the interpretation is eternal and the only correct interpretation is the meaning the parable was meant to convey at the time it was spoken.
2. Read the following
parables: parable of the tares (Matthew 13:24-30); parables of the mustard seed
and the leaven (Matthew 13:47-50); parables of the treasure and the pearl of
great price (Matthew 13:44-46); parable of the gospel net (Matthew 13:47-50).
Next to each of the following questions write the name of the parable that best
answers that question.
What describes the future growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Parable of the mustard seed and the leaven
Why does the Church send out so many missionaries?
Parable of the gospel net
How do you explain the remarkable growth of the Church, considering that it is
fairly new compared to most world religions and started small in the American
Parable of the mustard seed and the leaven
Why are some members of the Church willing to sacrifice so much worldly wealth
and recognition in order to maintain membership in the Church?
Parable of the treasure and the pearl of great price
Why do some Church members choose to leave the Church?
Parable of the tares
3. Write answers to the
following questions:
Considering the parables of the treasure and the pearl of great price (see
Matthew 13:44-46), what sacrifices would you be willing to make to obtain the
treasure of the gospel? What sacrifices have you or those you know already made
for the gospel?
While the last couple of generations of my family have struggled with their testimony and their membership in the church, we come from pioneer heritage. I was so amazed when we did our genealogy and I found out about the incredible sacrifices my own family made. My great, great... (can't remember how many generations back) Grandfather served in Company B of the Mormon Battalion. Not only did he sacrifice by serving during that time and help with the Battalion's mission, but after they were released from duty, he helped to settle different areas in Arizona. Each time he was asked to go to a new area, he did so, obediently. When I think the choices I have to make are hard, I often reflect upon the sacrifices my ancestors made in order to share the gospel and follow the Lord.
What does the net represent in the parable of the net cast into the sea? (See
Matthew 13:47). What does it mean to be gathered into the net? What is
represented by the action of gathering the good into vessels and casting the
bad away? (See Matthew 13:48-50).
The net is cast to gather all unto the Christ. Some will accept Christ and remain sincere and faithful and some will fall away. It is not up to us to decide who we should share the Gospel with. We should share it with everyone and allow them to accept or reject it. It is also not up to us to judge their sincerity. When the time comes, the wicked will be separated from the faithful.