Saturday, February 8, 2014

Walking on the Sea

Mathew 14:22-33 is the account of Jesus walking on water to the Apostles on the ship.  When the Apostles first saw the Savior walking on the water, they were scared.  They thought they might be seeing a spirit. When Peter asked the Savior to make him walk on water he showed that he believed that he could do anything with the Lord's help.  Unfortunately Peter got scared when the winds picked up and his faith wavered.  As his faith wavered, he began to sink. As soon as Peter called out for help, Jesus was there.  He immediately reached out to help Peter.

In Doctrine and Covenants 88:67 we read

And if your eye be asingle to my bglory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light ccomprehendeth all things.
 When we read this scripture and think about the experience of Peter on the water, we learn that we need to put the gospel first.  When we focus on the Savior and the gospel, we will be filled with the Spirit.  We will feel strength and peace and we will be able to see and understand the Lord's hand in our lives.  
I feel like I need to learn this lesson over and over again.  Whenever I recommit myself to reading my scriptures, praying daily and fully living the gospel, life seems to go more smoothly.  I find that I have more energy and am able to easily accomplish the things I need to do.  Inevitably I get tired or lazy and I slip up a little bit and pretty soon I realize it's been days or even weeks since I've studied the scriptures.  As I look at those times, I see that I am more anxious or feel overwhelmed.  As soon as I put my priorities back on track, I feel the Lord reaching out to me to help me.

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