Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Good Shepherd

This week part of our reading block included the parable of the Good Shepherd.  As we studied the parable, we also learned more about the shepherds in Palestine.  I thought it was so interesting to learn that the shepherds named their sheep and talked to them so much that the sheep actually recognized the shepherds voice and would come when their names were called.  At night they would gather several flocks together and leave one shepherd to guard them.  In the morning each shepherd would return and "call" their sheep and they would come to him.

Learning about how the shepherds called their sheep back in Palestine helped me to understand this parable so much better.

In John 10:1-11 Jesus compares himself to the "door of the sheep" (verse 7) and he says "I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep and am known of mine." (verse 14).

As the "door of the sheep" we can know that Jesus is protecting us.  When we are under his care and living the gospel, we can not be swayed by the "wolves" or those who would try to lead us astray.  Since Christ is our shepherd, we can recognize his voice and follow him.  He knows us by name and keeps track of us. 

Now that we understand what it means to be in the fold and to have Christ as our shepherd, we can more fully appreciate what it means in 3 Nephi 15 and 16 when Christ states that there are "other sheep."  There are followers of Christ in other parts of the world and they are Christ's sheep as well.  They hear and know his voice and come when He calls them.  He will help lead and guide them back to the "fold." 

Each week, as part of our assignment, we have to share what the best part of our assignment is.  I found that I did much better at expressing what I learned from this lesson as I answered that question, so I thought I'd include it here.

I know this is kind of selfish, but I think the best thing about my assignment is the increase in my own understanding.  It is so comforting to me to know that the Lord is my Shepherd and it is part of the plan for me to know and recognize his voice.  It is my responsibility to come to Him when he calls me.  He is standing watch over me and when I follow Him, He will provide a safe haven for me where I can be protected from those who would try to lead my astray.

Here is a video of The Good Shepherd.  Enjoy!

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